The Smaller Parts of Fall

Did you make it?

Did you get to the Keweenaw for the fall colors?  They were spectacular!  (And many are still hanging on!)

Whether you made it or missed it this year, chances are you were focused on the tree lines.  Florescent maples and rich oaks.  Bright aspens and golden birches.  This valley and that ridge, etc.

But did you stop to look at the smaller things that fall brings?

Not really???

Well, then.  Let’s do it!

Mushrooms among the pipsissewa and moss


Glistening choke cherries


Large leaved aster flowers


Dew-covered aster leaf


Mottled thimbleberry leaf


Wild rose hip


Bilberry bush

Not too shabby, Mother Nature!

We’ve got to savor every little bit of it while we can because, well, we know what comes next.  See you then!

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